religious icons
‘Artemisia’ Association of Asia Minor Greeks of Nea Alikarnassos

The icon of Panagia Kamariani from Alikarnassos

The settlement of Nea Alikarnassos, now integrated into the Municipality of Heraklion, was established by Asia Minor refugees. Two churches in the area serve the parishioners’ needs. The newer one is dedicated to Panagia Kamariani (‘The Virgin Mary in the Vaulted Room’). The church was founded in 1986, opened for the public in 2003 and houses an icon of the same name which is said to perform miracles.

After the burning of Smyrna, the icon of Panagia Kamariani travelled from Asia Minor to Kalymnos with Marigitsa Takori, a refugee. Later, her children transported it to Athens where it was collected by a group of Nea Alikarnassos residents who took it to Heraklion.

Image source: neaKriti_, Παναγιά Καμαριανή: Με λαμπρότητα ο εορτασμός στη Νέα Αλικαρνασσό (14/8/2019)